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What is electronic components

Electronic components are the general term of components and devices.

Electronic component: refers to the finished product that does not change the molecular composition during the production and processing in the factory. Because it does not produce electrons, it has no control and transformation effect on voltage and current, so it is also called passive device. According to the classification standard, electronic components can be divided into 11 categories.

Electronic device: refers to the finished product which changes the molecular structure during the production and processing in the factory. It refers to electronic tubes and transistors, and now generally refers to basic electronic products made of semiconductor materials, such as: diodes, triodes, FET, integrated circuits, etc. Other basic parts used to manufacture electronic machines are called components, such as resistance, capacitance, inductance, etc. So it is also called active device. According to the classification standard, electronic devices can be divided into 12 categories, which can be divided into two parts: vacuum electronic devices and semiconductor devices. Due to the continuous emergence of new materials and technologies, the boundaries of modern electronic components and devices have been blurred. According to the classification standard, electronic devices can be divided into 12 categories, which can be divided into two parts: vacuum electronic devices and semiconductor devices.



Contact: byron He

Phone: 13631550710

Tel: 0755-82077070


Add: Room712,7/F,Huashengda Building,Futian District,Shenzhen

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