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Storage methods and storage conditions of electronic components

Storage requirements of electronic components warehouse:

1. Environmental requirements: electronic components must be stored in a clean, ventilated, non corrosive gas warehouse;

Unless otherwise specified, the temperature and relative humidity of the warehouse must meet the following requirements:

A. temperature: - 5 ~ 30 ℃;

B. relative humidity: 20% ~ 75%;

The environmental conditions of warehouse storage directly affect the limited storage period

2. Special requirements:

Electrostatic sensitive devices (such as MOS FET, GaAs FET, CMOS circuit, etc.) shall be stored in containers with electrostatic shielding effect.

Electronic components sensitive to magnetic field but without magnetic shielding shall be stored in containers with magnetic shielding effect.

The mechanical and electrical components of the oil seal shall keep the integrity of the oil seal.

3. Determination of limited storage period of electronic components: the limited storage period of electronic components shall be in accordance with the appendix



Contact: byron He

Phone: 13631550710

Tel: 0755-82077070


Add: Room712,7/F,Huashengda Building,Futian District,Shenzhen

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